Few more tips for scouting locations for portrait shoot
We have more point to cover while scouting the location for the portrait shoot but these few important tips required when you are shooting big celebrities, big business tycoons and other famous personalities or required for advance photography level. As long as we grow in a photography career, we learn a lot of other things which is indirectly related to the photography career. This article is based on those indirect points.
Nowadays, few common things have become the backbone of businesses like your commitment, how quickly you finish your job, how efficiently you deliver the projects and what are those common and uncommon things which are repeating again and again to spoil your shoot, how you overcome on all those obstacles, problems (technical, non-technical, creative, non-creative).
Let's discuss those important tips before you scout the location for a portrait shoot
Finalize one location, spot. - When planning to scout location then finalize one location to shoot only, never keep on changing the location or spot when you and model are shooting. You may irritate the model if you keep shuttling him/her here and there. This can spoil your model's mood and your career. Please look in the matter and act wisely while shooting. Have a habit to stick your decisions for the shoot.
Writing ability - We all photographer must have writing ability, It really helps, while scouting the location, and finalizing the shooting spot. You must write & work on the poses, must read the light's direction and must compile the model's shoot planning in written so that you fully focused on the shoot rather than planning, because planning never takes place on the day of shooting, if you are planning on the shoot day it means you need to be more matured photographer.
Scout simple location - Never ever finalise the difficult location, where weather condition (especially raining) may change frequently and this can cancel your shoot. Avoid such location which may not suitable for your shoot. Must check the weather condition before finalising such locations.
- Never ever finalize the deep interior locations of the landscape where no help (ambulance, police, fire) can be reached easily. If your client having a big budget then hire medical services for the shoot. Sometimes poor weather condition may sick your team or entire crew along with the model. Think wisely.
- Never finalise such location where a number of tourists visit the location means you must avoid such public attraction locations when shooting celebrities etc. No distraction at all while shooting, hunt for an unexplored location for the celebrity shoot.
- Sometimes long-distance location consumes your more time and energy, you must work on this point because nowadays traffic jams really suck, here I suggest you reach one day before the shooting day along with the team and model.