Lighting Technique Tips

What is the perfect light condition to shoot indoor or outdoor? I have been always asked this question whenever I meet beginner photographer/students etc. Behind every perfect light condition, there are so many lighting methods, lighting tips, lighting accessories available in the photography world. But these are the really final techniques for lighting ?????? REThink over it. I do not think that there is any predefined final or perfect light condition available. Always remember that Perfect light condition may be for the current shoot but not all the indoor shoot. Every shoot's light definition is different but knowledge of a few light techniques cannot serve to all the photography shoot. Remember!

My advice, Stop following the perfect lighting tips. please start creating your own creative lighting ideas, Maybe your creatives idea are better than other photographer's lighting tips. It is always happening because the new generation photographer thinks better sometimes.

I am mentioning a few important tips which are contributing to better lighting techniques since so long.

Light shaping tools- The most important tools are light shaping tool mentioned below
  • Softboxes
  • Umbrellas
  • Gelkits
  • Bounce card
  • Reflectors
  • Diffuser
  • Grids
  • Snoot
  • Beauty dish
Which always contribute to throwing amazing light effect/shape on the subject.  
More you use them, more you get great creative ideas. I think we must take it on the rent for experiments then plan to buy as per your choice.

Using a flashlight/flashgun- If looking for the mastery in the light technique then you must have a good command of using flashguns too and you yourself can see the miracles. Most of the photographers don't prefer flashgun but that is their thought but I love playing with flashguns and I feel every beginner photographer must try or experiments. 

Outdoor natural Light- I always find outdoor light condition as a perfect light condition if you know to play with them. I use to suggest every beginner photographer that please spend more time to shoot in outdoor light condition for the great experiments. This is a light condition where you hardly add any extra light accessories to get your perfect shot

Conclusion  - Lighting techniques are endless subject to discuss, It involves one light, sometimes 2-3 lights or some time use of multiple lights like soft, harsh, specular, diffused etc. It totally depends upon the shoot requirements. there are so many different types of light accessories are also involved to shoot. There is no as such perfect light condition predefined which really work well all the indoor out outdoor shoot. It totally depends upon the lighting knowledge, photography experience of the photographer.

Keep experimenting and have wonderful and happy photography to you all. 

Photographer & blogger Prasenjeet Gautam ( has captured the above image. INDIA

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