Free Images! Be Cautious

Many of us, beginner photographer, advertising company, Web-designer, young generation and others are using free images from the search engines site and other sources for their advantages. People using free images/art/vectors knowingly or unknowingly for their website, catalogue, presentation, collage, school and college purpose and many other uncountable purposes. But no one has ideally commissioned the artist, photographer, designers for using their phenomenal work. Even I would like to mention that No one even tries to explore or search the artist before using his work. Even a few organization never care to find out the resources. Amazing People isn't 

This article belongs to me as a photographer and other photographers, photography community, designer, creative person, painters and all those who publish their creative work online, share with the clients, friends, community etc. 

Here I request all the users who use free images for their benefit, monetary benafit and other purposes. Please follow a few important tips before you use free images

Nowadays using free images without paying the commission, without the legal permission can put you behind the BAR. It's better to buy the commissioned work from genuine sources to use. 
  1. Check if the free images are on sale. Is it available at good or cheap prices? Pay the prices and use.
  2. When photographs or any other artwork is not available on sale then find out the author/photographer/designer and ask their permission to use and also share the purpose.
  3. When the artwork is not available on sale and artist is also out of reach then write the artist name on the artwork or images for safer side.  
  4. Always tag the artist while posting the artwork on social media.
  5. When the artist is not reachable than in this case avoid using the artwork. You never know about any legalities can harass you. 
  6. Never use free images for your professional purposes, in this case, always have a professional photoshoot to generate the genuine business worldwide. This will also boost your confidence in the images. 
Also, I advise all the creative person, photographer, designers, painters etc to publish their work with the proper selling information, if not selling then mention clearly that "Not for USE and Not for SALE" Publish all your artwork along with watermark, logo, name and Copywrite information. Must check the genuinity of the platform wherever are you publishing your artwork for the safer side, if not convinced with platform's genuinity, reliability then never proceed with them. 

When sharing images online for ref then always post low-resolution images so that no one uses the smallest image.

Keep experimenting and Have wonderful and happy photography to you all

Photographer and Blogger Prasenjeet Gautam ( has captured the above image of the coloured lamp.


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