RAW vs JPEG Format
Many beginner photographers are confused about the Raw & Jpeg format. Many of them like to shoot in jpeg format and avoid shooting in Raw. There is a simple reason for unawareness of RAW format. let us understand the Raw and Jpeg format and which is better than the others. Advantages and disadvantages of both file formats.
What is RAW - This is an uncompressed file of the image. The camera even captures all the minute details of the scene and produces better image details. The RAW format is a negative file format of the image. Earlier (No digital world was introduced) there was a film role available to shoot the photos. Once the photo shoot is done the photographer carries the film role to develop the role. Now developers convert that negative role to positive photos and return all the photos negative to the photographer and these negative roles can produce positive images many times. All those photographers used to save all those negatives for future prints. Now in this digital era, the Raw file format plays the same role as the negative. All the pro photographers prefer to shoot in Raw format.
The raw file cannot be processed directly or printed or it is not a ready file to share with clients and friends. You need to edit, enhance the better details, correction of colours etc then converts it into JPEG format to share. Always remember RAW file looks flat, less colourful, less attractive etc
Raw produces high-quality results, great details etc
You can re-edit the file numbers of time
You can resettle all the options visible on your computer screen like WB, colour temperature, can set to presets like vivid, standard, landscape etc
Raw size starts from 20 MB to 90 MB, you need extra storage to protect your files. It is a big headache to maintain extra hard disc, online storage extra. But depends upon your requirement.
What is JPEG - A compressed file format of the camera. The camera has already processed the image and it's ready to share and print. No extra activity is required to convert photos into other file formats like RAW format. The camera has been processed in jpeg with factory/basic settings to shoot in a better way. But, JPEG can be edited depending upon your creative requirement
Advantages of the JPEG
Less size of the image, No extra storage devices are required
The camera makes all the basic settings for the subject. No extra pain to set the camera setting.
Fear free shooting with jpeg format
Disadvantages of the JPEG
Less learning scope to shoot, become photocopier than the photographer
Less creative control
Over editing, the jpeg file can be resulting the image being corrupt and pixelated.
Conclusion - Choose the format as per your photography level. The raw format is always there to prove your better quality images and convert you as a better photographer. Be the Raw format lover.
Keep experimenting! Have wonderful and happy photography life to you.
Photographer & blogger Prasenjeet Gautam (www.prasenjeetgautam.com) Image courtacy - Google