BEWARE, Share Less online


This article is not related to photography, photography's tips and other important techniques to shoot. But this article is really important for those whomsoever are ready to share their photos online without FEAR. Recently I have come across one scaring news (Zee News - INDIA) based on sharing photos online. Now It is my duty to share this information with all my blog reader and my photographer students etc. 

Let's discuss this unseen and unexpected problem of selfie lover, beginner photographer etc.

Important Fact- Once the photographs (any format) are posted online, social media platforms etc. Those photos can be misused and that material cannot be deleted from online even if you go via legal process, you do not even know that legal process can take hell lot of time, energy and money. You must think twice before you post your photos online. Every day 180 CRORES photos are posted every day (Zee News - INDIA)

DEEP FAKE- Once the photographs are posted then It is quite easy to save your photos or online culprits nexus can misuse your photos easily. There are lots of apps, software and editing technology that can edit your photos or can convert your photos into objectionable material that is called deep fake even legal process cannot verify that this is your original photo or someone has edited your photo, culprits nexus plays very efficiently with your photos and videos to convert so real and authentic. 

Apps- We are using so many apps to share jokes, images and other information with our friends and family but we never know that your apps are sharing your private photographs and even your messages to some other applications or stealing your privacy and sharing with others without even whispering you. Most of the important job that you are contributing to their objectionable material without charging even a single penny.   

Age group-  Mostly the teenagers (spacially girls) are in Danger Zone because they have too many friends or big friend circle etc. They always take their photos every time and post frequently on social media immediately.  It's an alarming time for all the teenagers, parents must educate them regarding this before something nasty happens. Wake-up teenagers. Never ever share your photos only for artificial likes and comments because this likes or comment never add important thing to your life. 

Pending Legal cases- There are lots of pending cases in the court for the past of years and years and still there is no removal of objectionable material from online or social media plateform. Wake up, guys.

Conclusion- We must share fewer photos or avoid sharing, Never share personal information at all online. Before sharing must check that what you are sharing, with whom you are sharing or sharing with a trustworthy human. Small sharing for the fun can ruin your life, career forever. Please rethink before sharing.

Photographer and Blogger Prasenjeet Gautam ( has captured the above-posted image. INDIA


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