Sense of Cooperation ?
I am writing this article which is not directly related to the photography, photography tool, tips and techniques, technology etc. But this article plays a major role in anybody's profession. One must have this tool in his team.
Let's discuss the sense of cooperation
Team works - Efficient team is always responsible for the success of the company. When the shoot is final then your team must be efficient about your requirement for the shoot, they must organise all the equipment as per the shooting requirement. Sometimes the photographer arranges all the equipment to shoot but if you are looking for a better future of your company then you have to create an efficient team to work efficiently.
Understanding - There should be better understanding within the team, every Lightman, assistant, manager, accountant, technician, editor etc must support each other for a better tomorrow, for delivering a better results to the client and as well as to the company too. Sometimes company politics kills company from inside, reputation and sometimes shut down the company. The owner must not allow the politics, opposite direction in the company because this will stop company's growth. I hope you must have heard that company collapse because of poor management.
Cultivate the attitude - Sometimes your team only works for the salary but this attitude does not sustain for so long, In this case, you have to cultivate the habit of learning, work hard, smart work etc along with proper training to update them time to time, This will definitely lead to the better work environment and also update the quality of products and services. More you cultivate good performing habits, more beneficial results you take out of it.
Must maintain the decorum - Company must have good decorum to maintain, sometimes this leaves a good impression on the outstanding clients, This also help to bring more good clients, more good business etc. Must make a good rules and regulation to maintain.
These are few important things which is required for small scale business like our business, where man power are less but then also need a better performances for so long. I hope this small and crisp articles will help you to understand the sense of cooperation to run your business, It does really matter how you serve your services efficiently. How your services change your client's businesses too. That really matters.
The size of the company, organisation, studio etc never matter but running the business efficiently that serve your purpose i really matters.
Keep experimenting and have wonderful and happy photography life to you all.
Photographer and Blogger Prasenjeet Gautam( has captured above-posted image. INDIA