Explore UNEXPLORED subjects
When everything is closed due to COVID19 epidemic like public places, wildlife sanctuary, national park, travel locations etc even client is little scare to assign photography project to the photographers. But being a photographer it is our job to shoot in the unexpected situation, need to explore unexplored or unidentified places or subjects.
I have seen so many photographs and 9 out of 10 photos are common, repetition photographs but every beginner photographs start from the same subject like shooting flowers, birds, common public places etc. Today I am writing this article to explore unexplored & unidentified places subject which will groom you like a different photographer.
See the above-posted image of the shoes, I shot it in the under-construction building. I shot so many other shots too but this is one of my favourite shot. Let's discuss the important steps to explore unexplored or unidentified subjects.
Let's began to explore the unexplored places or subject.
Prepare the List - Please make one list of the already visited places like monuments, national park, travel destination, wildlife sanctuary etc and now recheck and explore the subject and places what has left to shoot, Maybe you have not explored the places which are 50-100 Km away and under from the visited places, which might have ignored. Now, this is the time to explore those ignored places. When you start exploring those then hopefully you will find more important interesting places or subject than the already visited places. Now start exploring
Change the TIMING - When you are making a list of the visited places than try to check the shoot timing when you shot the particular location and subject. Now plan to reshoot those locations or subject on the different timing, this will help you to explore the same subject in the different lighting and will bring out altogether more communicative images. See the below-posted image shot in the evening timing and now the entire image is changed
Never repeat the same subject to shoot - Most of us keep visiting the same location and reshoot the same subject, again and again, But it is ok for the practice purpose. This time you need to change the angle, add the people in the frame, shoot with the different light condition etc This will introduce the new face of the image. see the below-posted image. (Jama Masjid - INDIA)
Preset the subject to shoot- Most of us when moving in the street, market, parks and other location, the biggest weakness is to shoot whatever we like to shoot or we shoot according to our interest, but It is ok if you are a beginner photographer. Now, this time you need to preset the subject, like you will be shooting only humans without faces, will shoot only human hands, will shoot only people from the back or whatever idea comes in your mind, write it down and shoot that specific idea that you have already chosan or preset. See the below-posted image.
Keep experimenting, have a wonderful and happy photography life to you all.
Photographer and Blogger Prasenjeet Gautam (www.prasenjeetgautam.com) has captured above all the images. INDIA