Never Leave a LOCATION
"Never leave the Location" I hope this title may sound you little different. But I assure you this is one of the important things to remember when you are on the indoor shoot or outdoor shoot. When I have understood this then I realize this importance of this topic, that improved my photography level. Maybe you will be a little confused about this topic and not leaving location how can help the photographer to improve your photography.
Let's discuss how "not leaving location can help"
Indoor Shoot - When shooting products, models, portrait and other. When the shoot is finished and you are about to pack-up. So here I advise that never ever pack up so quickly. Follow a few important steps before leaving the studio or location.
- Check all the photographs like carefully like focus, lighting, background and must check that you have shot the things as per your client's requirement. That part is very important if you leave the studio or location without checking all these things and later on, you find out any goof-up/blunder etc happened in the photographs then there is no way out to correct except RE-SHOOT and Reshoot is a deep pain. Think twice before leaving the location. I suggest please make a habit to check all the photographs on the LAPTOP or any other big-screen because sometimes the camera's LCD panel fails to tell you the actual image result.
- Recheck the location so that you do not forget small things battery charger, mobile charger, memory cards, filters because most of us we forget in the studio and later on keep calling studio owner to find out the things, so it is better to spend some time on the location to check each and everything closely or enjoy a cup of coffee after all the thing managed and packed perfectly before leaving the location.
Outdoor Shoot - Here if you miss something then you have to come again all the way to the location, revisiting the location will cost you double the amount of your expenditure. How to avoid the unseen problem on the outdoor location. let's discuss a few important points.
- Plan as per the weather, choose the right point location to shoot, Finalise the subject to shoot. Content to cover, shoot timing like early morning, evening and golden hour etc. Once all thing the happened correctly as per the shooting requirement then only leave the location if not than extent your stay for an extra day because staying for extra may not cost you too much or can be managed easily but can help you to shoot better as per your requirement.
- When shooting on local location then also, never leave the location without achieving the perfect shoot if nothing happens correctly then keep coming on the same location to shoot. But try to your best to shoot correctly to avoid to revisit the same location.
- Check all the belonging related to your camera, accessories, mobile etc Once you are done and found all the things packed correctly and got the perfect shot then only leave the location. Leaving location means that you are fully satisfied with your shoot.
The important thing to carry- Always carry laptop whenever you are going for a long-distance shoot, whenever you are shooting famous model or celebrity, portrait photography and another photography genre then never ever trust your camera's LCD panel because sometimes LCD panel shows you the fake result and when you view the results on LAPTOP monitor then both results are different or spoiled. In this case, check all the results on the big screen, once satisfied then leave the location.
Keep experimenting and have a wonderful and happy photography life to you all.