Editorial & Commercial Photographs?

I hope, beginner photographer must have face this awkward situation when somebody asked them, do you shoot for editorial or commercial??. All the photographer must be knowing about commercial photography but very few of them knows about editorial photography. Even I came to know very late about editorial photographs when Getty images asked me to submit my photographs as editorial. I must tell you editorial photographs has a very important, significant room in the photography. One must also shoot for the editorial genres, if not started then plan to shoot and visit interiors of villages, fairs, small town, street, old hidden places etc. 

let's take a short and crisp informative move on the difference between editorial and commercial photography. This will definitely clear your doubts if have. 

Requirement - Editorial images required for the print media, publication, textbook, essay, documentaries, editorial features etc to tell a story (series of photographs) along with the text to educate the readers and cannot be used for commercial purposes, and where commercial photographs required for marketing purpose to boost the product, advertising campaign, social information, movies, TVs, social medial platform, entertainment platforms etc and these activities are done to generate the revenue for the business purposes. These commercial photographs can also be printed in the magazine too to aware the readers and introduce the products, services to the readers. But they don't educate the reader, only share the latest and important information. 

Storytelling Photographs - The first requirement of the editorial photographs, Photo must be storytelling, must create an interest to read the text along with the photographs. The commercial photographs do not require to tell a story. See the below-posted image (editorial)

Disadvantages of editorial images- Editorial photographs do not have a big budget to spend and sometimes not paid handsome amount to the photographers. But the collection of amazing storytelling photographs can be put in the exhibition and that can give you great exposure, good money and limelight. Commercial photographs have a big budget and photos pays you a good amount, the long journey etc. Editorial images end up in your portfolio only and no further usages whereas commercial photographs are used for long durations. 

More creatives- Editorial images are more creative and more expressive and convey a strong message to the viewers and no limit, no guidance are given to shoot. on the other hand, you have to shoot commercially as per your project requirement whereas you do not have to cross the given guidance. It is a very important difference between editorial and commercial. See the commercial photograph posted below (product shoot)

Conclusion- there are few media company, who hire photographers to shoot a series of photographs from the different festival, location, interiors of the different country, It is called paid editorial where no limit or boundary required to shoot. But these are few media houses. wherein the commercial section, there are endless companies, products, clients who always keep on giving you a project to promote their businesses and gives you good career but both work well.

Keep experimenting and have a wonderful and happy photography life to you all.

Photographer & Blogger Prasenjeet Gautam (www.prasenjeetgautam.com) has captured above-posted photographs. INDIA

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