What is Over-Saturation/Vibrance ?

Sometimes ignorance of the colours, Ignorance or less knowledge of the Hue, saturation and luminous can kill all your photography project and your efforts to shoot. Understanding the colour and skill of colour correction actually add your extra addition to creativity. Most of the beginner photographer set the colour option "VIVID" in their camera, Always keep on shooting on this mode But they don't know that they are killing their photos and convert their images into UNNATURAL PHOTOs. Well, sometimes these mistakes teach them better and practice always wins. 

What is the saturation or vibrance in the photographIncrease in the intensity of colour and add the higher saturation or make your photo more vivid called over-saturated/vibrance. Lower the colour saturation goes towards the GREY and make photograph more communicating. 

It takes time to understand the correct colour management, In the beginning every beginner photographer always attracts to the VIVID colour mode and love all the colourful images. They always understand that these are the correct colour of the images. But it is not true. Even so many mobile photographers capture the shot in a vivid mode because colours, vibrance attract everyone. But when you are shooting professionally then you must have great sense of colour management to produce professional photographs. 

Being a photographer you must know, which colour is killing photograph and which colour is changing the photograph message. you need to be expert in this theory. 

Photographer's Job- The first thing to do, Change the colour setting in your DSLR, from VIVID to Standard or Neutral colour mode, You can change this mode in post-processing but for safer side, set colour mode setting on standard or neutral to check the correct colours while shooting.

See the above-posted image, No Vibrance, No saturation. Eye soothing colours and covey the message so peacefully to the viewers. 

How to understand colours. The only thing to do that is observation, watch Hollywood movies and observe how the low saturation colour management increase the quality of the scene. Go through the magazines and see how another photographer has done better photography etc. keep observing the poster, advertisement, brochures etc while moving in the city, mall, public places etc. Noticing and creating colours correctly is one of the main backbones of photography. 

Conclusion- Always remember! It is not going to happen through the overnight. It takes years and years to understand the colour and correct the colour correctly. We all are on the learning stage and our job is to learn and perform.  

Keep experimenting and have a wonderful and happy photography life to you

Photographer & Blogger Prasenjeet Gautam (www.prasenjeetgautam.com) has captured above-posted photographs. INDIA 

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