Obsessed with the quality LIGHT

A Photography means in the Greek language is writing a light, Photo means light and graphy means writing. Photographer actually writing a light called photographs. It is very important for all the photographer to understand the quality of light, understand the meaning of the light for the viewers, types of lights, How well someone create the magical light to the subject. Quality light is the only medium to enhance the beauty & meaning of the photographs, how the quality light falls efficiently and beautifully on your subject that called real photography

It takes years and years for a photographer to creates & understand the light, lots of experiments, 1000s of mistakes, 100000 worst photographs are actually responsible to create better quality light or better photography. 

I am writing this article about how you can be obsessed with the light before take any stunning shots. 

Obsessed with the light-  When planning a shoot for any genres like travel, street, products etc. Then you must search for the better light condition if the light is not good or not worth it to shoot then in this case you must postpone the shoot. Always remember only light factor creates the stunning shot firstly then content takes 2nd steps. I meet lots of beginner photographers and they are only interested in capture good content then understanding the fall of light on the subject. See the above-posted light on the old man. I have captured this old man early in the morning when soft light falling on his face for me this light was more important than the content but fall of light make this photograph very interesting. 

Understanding the light - Beginner photographer must know the types of light like harsh, soft, diffuse, specular etc before they proceed to become a professional photographer and choose photography as a career then light factor works a lot for a photographer. One thing I would like to mention that outdoor light is more difficult than handling indoor light. If you are a beginner photographer then you must shoot only in outdoor for a good experience of light. Shoot in the morning, evening, night etc and this will convert you as a mature photographer. I assure you to enjoy outdoor light condition then indoor. 

When you are shooting indoor or shooting products, models etc sometimes it takes a whole day to set up light for one single product shoot or a model. Only you have to set up the light, reflectors, diffusers, and other important accessories to shoot products. Sometimes half of the day is gone for setting up the light and rest day to shoot products or model. It is a tough job to create a light for an indoor shoot. 

In short, photography is based on the quality light, It is a photographer's duty how well he understands the quality of light and how beautifully he composed the light and content together to capture the stunning shot. 

Poor lighting, bad weather condition, cheap lenses can spoil the photographer's name and brand. So take decision wisely & educate yourself for better photography. But always remember a normal camera can capture the stunning shot with the knowledge of quality light but the high-end professional camera cannot capture the stunning shot without having the knowledge of quality light. THINK 

Keep experimenting and have wonderful & happy photography tp you all

Photographer & blogger Prasenjeet Gautam (www.prasenjeetgautam.com) has captured the above all the images with the interesting light. 


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