Landscape photography tips.

Mostly beginner photographer has this opinion that landscape photography does not take much pain/extra efforts etc to shoot. They are always ready to shoot landscape, No weather condition, No special lens, No location information, No security or safety and no proper planning matters for them. I wanna convey a humble message to all of them that Landscape photography is the toughest genre of the photography world. Photographer spends week and weeks to capture one stunning shot, spend lots of money to travel to capture one single amazing shot. 

Sometimes a photographer travels miles and miles around the world to capture the landscape photographs and spend his half of the life in travelling, Lives life very far away from their family and friends. Hats off to those photographers and their photographs.

Let's discuss the important landscape photography tips to capture better shots. 

  1. Proper planning for the location details, weather condition and timing to shoot (early morning, evening etc) Pre-visit the location to do your homework, never ever plan to reach at location directly to shoot. Spend a good time before you press the shutter button.
  2. Explore the leading lines, curves, a good foreground, directional light of sun and moon and your subject angle which is more important.
  3. Shoot qualitatively not a quantitatively. Quality always matters.
  4. Be at the location, admire nature and natural things and hunt for good composition with different time and light. Move around, explore new thing to capture the shot. 

Important Photography Kits
  1. Always have a steady tripod, which can bear the maximum weight of your lenses and camera body.
  2. Try to have a few good filters
  3. Shoot at FX Full frame body 
  4. Must carry one ultra-wide-angle lens to capture one corner to another corner, This lens really works great. 
Few more important tips before the shoot
  1. Always have a good sleep before the shooting in the morning.
  2. Must carry your medicine if your doctor prescribed any medicine
  3. Must have local police/ local ambulance contact details
  4. Must have complete location information like how much safe is this location? 
  5. Never ever carry a different camera body, which is newly bought and you have no good experience to handle. Always carry a camera body, which you are using for so long and can handle easily to capture in any pathetic weather conditions. Never ever experiment of your new camera body on the stunning landscape location, you may miss the shots. 

Keep experimenting and have wonderful & happy photography to you all

Photographer & Blogger Prasenjeet Gautam ( has captured above all the images. The different location of INDIA


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