WHY NEED A FLASHLIGHT? (Use of Modifiers)
Nov 21, 2019
Now understand the modifiers, What is this and why we use this? Do we really need the modifiers in photography? This first job was to understand the flash, start practising with the flashguns. Now we are planning to move one step ahead and that is how we can correct and create the light with the help of MODIFIER.
What is MODIFIER- Modifier is light accessories, which sit or work in between your subject and the flashlight or any other light source. The job of modifier is to reduce, correct, create the amount of light that falls on or reaches to the subject. Also, the Modifier adjusts the light exposure and quality of light to get a perfect shot.
Professional Output- I suggest all the beginner photographers or those never ever heard the word of the modifier. Please start practising and see the difference. Using light modifiers can transform your images from good to wow factors and highly professional image. remember one thing flashlight is a small light source and this can give hard light, shadows and harsh highlight, in this case, always use the modifier and see the miracle.
Purpose or aim of using modifier is to make the light source larger, softer, creative etc so that light or illumination covers more of the subject and must experience the smoother transition from the highlight to the shadows.
Before using a modifier, you must understand the modifier correctly and its potential fully. Let's discuss the modifier
- The modifier can be used with any light source like studio light, flashguns, to produce a more attractive, creative effect etc. Also, This can be used in natural light.
- The modifier help photographer to spread, diffuse and soften the light, create shadows, reduce the hardness. One more thing to add is The Grid modifier which makes the light harder and directional light effects.
- The modifiers are available in the market in so many different shapes and size, and the important modifier also available as per your flash's mount, camera's mount etc whenever planning to buy modifier please carry all the details of your light sources means where you have to attach or fix the modifiers.
- Must experience the colour modifier to feel the difference of the photograph.
I hope, This article or crisp details of the modifiers will be going to help you to improve your photography. Start using the modifier, buy the cheap one to start to understand the modifiers. You must know also, how correctly you can handle the modifier and that comes after lots of practice and experiments.
Keep experimenting and Have wonderful and happy photography to you all.
Photographer and Blogger Prasenjeet Gautam (www.prasenjeetgautam.com) Image courtesy - Google.